Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Micro Place-shifting

I've been home with a cold, and it's had me shifting around the house all day: I've been too tired and achy to sit at my desk for long, and too restless to stay glued to the bed or couch. But, thanks to the beauties of "place-shifting," I've been able to keep working (and enjoying the other benefits of digital access) wherever I plop down.

The Set-Up: I keep the desktops in my office (at home) and kitchen running 24/7, plus I have a Tablet PC and an old laptop. First thing this morning, I grabbed the old laptop to use in bed, then later I fired up the Tablet PC when I was hanging out on the couch. That gave me four live, networked "stations," wherever I went -- five, if you count my PDA phone.

The Apps and Uses:

  • Virtual computing -- My old laptop is getting REALLY old and slow -- it's a 2001 Toshiba with just 256MB of RAM. Although I have Outlook 2007 on it, most of the other apps are a couple of versions behind. So, rather than trying to update it or deal with slow programs, I "went virtual" -- I shut off everything except Firefox and connected to my desktop through LogMeIn. That let me take advantage of the speed and updated programs on my desktop, and, in full screen, it looks and acts exactly as if I'm working on the desktop. In essence, LogMeIn lets me turn my old laptop into a "slim client" -- and that extends its useful life.


  • Newsreading -- I can't function without checking out the news on my various feeds through Google Reader first thing in the morning. Everything stays synced through Google -- stories I scanned and "starred" first thing this morning on my laptop show up on the other systems when I'm ready to read later.


  • Email and PIM data -- I use hosted Exchange, so all the data stays synced automatically and instantly available on every computer. Aside from email, this also keeps my action lists, calendar, and contacts updated and synced.


  • Active documents -- I've been working on several projects throughout the day , but rather than using Word, I've been using OneNote to create, draft, and edit them. Because OneNote synchronizes (and saves) data in real time, the latest version of every document I'm working on is always available on every computer. I can type half a sentence on the tablet pc on the couch, walk into the kitchen and finish my thought on the desktop there, then wander into my office to edit it, all without saving or syncing manually.


  • Reference documents -- Thanks to Foldershare, all the other documents I've saved are also synced to all my computers. It's not quite as automatic as OneNote -- I actually have to save them to trigger a sync through Foldershare -- but it's great for keep resources accessible everywhere.


  • Entertainment -- For much of the day, I didn't even feel like working -- I just wanted to watch TV and rest. Thanks to Tivo and Slingbox, I've even been able to move my entertainment around with me. This morning when I was still in bed, I started watching a movie I'd Tivo'ed there. When I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast, I kept watching it via Slingbox, which sent the signal to my desktop computer. After breakfast, I streamed the movie from the Tivo in the bedroom to the Tivo in the den, where I watched the rest of it from the couch. This afternoon, I even streamed a movie to my PDA phone, while I took a long bath.


The Outcome:

This certainly hasn't been my most productive day ever, but thanks to my "micro place-shifting," I've been able to take advantage of every second I've felt like working, without having to save, recopy, or search for data. I've also enjoyed entertainment wherever I've lighted.

Almost every day, I find another benefit and advantage to automatically synced and "cloud-based" computing. When I got hosted exchange service two years ago, it was a revelation to watch data synchronize automatically across machines -- now, I want EVERYTHING to work that way.


  1. You wrote: Thanks to Foldershare, all the other documents I've saved are also synced to all my computers. It's not quite as automatic as OneNote -- I actually have to save them to trigger a sync through Foldershare

    I just set up Foldershare and it seems to have an automatic syncing option. Am I missing something or is this version an update? I can't tell it it is doing anything, so I want to be sure I am actually going to have synced files across the board. Also do you set your whole "my docs" folder to be synced or lots of individual files? I was not sure how best to do it.

  2. Hi Caroline,

    Foldershare is automatic in the sense that it syncs when you create, save, move, re-name, or re-save a file. (On the initial sync, it syncs all existing files.) As long as you have automatic save set on your Foldershare folders, you'll be fine.

    OneNote actually syncs as you work. If I type the word "dog" in OneNote on one computer, "dog" instantly and automatically appears on all other computers (if they're live as my two desktops and laptop are sometimes.)

    As I was describing, I could literally sit at my desk and type in OneNote, "The quick brown fox," then run to the computer in the kitchen and type, "jumped over," then run to my laptop on the couch and type "the lazy dog" without having to save, sync, or wait for anything.

    If I'd wanted to do that using Foldershare, I'd have had to type the first phrase, save and close the document I was in, go to the kitchen and see if Foldershare had synced it yet, open the document, type the next phrase, save and close the document again, go the laptop, see if Foldershare had caught up with the second change, open the document, type the third phrase, and save and close the document again to get it to sync a third time.

    By using OneNote with Hamachi, you can have this "live" syncing even when you're not on your home LAN. If you're traveling or at the office, everything will be waiting for you at home, if you've left your computer on there.

    If your other computers aren't on, OneNote will sync everything later, when you have two (or more) computers on simultaneously.

    As far as the folders in Foldershare, I have to sync sub-folders in My Documents, because I have too many documents in that main directory for Foldershare to handle. I forget what the limit on how many files/subfolders per folder Foldershare allows -- I think it's something like 20,000 -- but I have too many in My Documents to sync that.

    As always, thanks for the question!
