Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama Gets a New Blackberry

Reports today say that Barack Obama will be able to keep up his Blackberry use, thanks to a James Bond add-on from the National Security Agency.  According to several reports, he’ll be using a General Dynamics Sectera Edge, a “spy proof” phone cleared for top secret use.

PC World reports that the device is a tricked-out standard Blackberry.  The phone is cleared for secure voice and email communications, but texting is out, according to the Atlantic. 

Cost for the Blackberry?  $3,350.  (Wow, cell prices really do go up when cellcos aren’t subsidizing the units!) 

Meanwhile, several of the social networking efforts the Obama campaign had promised may be non-starters.  Facebook and two-way blogging may not pan out.

I think it’s a little too early to start slamming them for this – after all, it’s only Day Two.  If they can find a way to keep the Thumbtyper-In-Chief on line, maybe they’ll sort this out, too.

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