Heading back to work after giving myself a few days off during the Thanksgiving break. Well, almost "off"...
- Computer shopping again...Looked at a couple of possible computers to get my mother for Christmas. (Browsed online, of course. Not a chance I'd go near a store during the Black Friday mayhem...) I haven't found a better buy than the Acer I bought myself last month, so it looks like I'll be getting another. My plan is to get it, load it with the appropriate software, test it, and pre-load it with her files, which I'll snag remotely via Hamachi. She'll have a computer ready to go, tested, and customized the way she likes it. (Don't tell!)
- TV shopping, too...I also looked at some of the super-cheap flat screen LCDs that are on sale for the holidays, since I'm thinking of getting a new set for the bedroom. Haven't seen anything I'm ready to jump for yet, but looking at a few models gave me an idea: I ought to think about getting a set that allows for a computer-in, as well as HD and other TV ports. With relatively cheap computers available (including those with Media Center options), it might be worthwhile to consider getting a small CPU to stow in the bedroom. It could replace my Tivo, act as a PVR, run Slingplayer, and extend access to my network, the Internet, and all my media files. My Tivo already does a lot of that, but this definitely would extend my capability.
- TV viewing...Speaking of Tivo, how did I live before I got one? One of my big projects over the last few days has been forced rest -- no computer, no phone, no errands, no thinking, just vegging out on the couch. As a result, I've caught up on about 10 weeks of fall shows that I had Tivo'd. It was less than inspiring, but highly conducive to not thinking. Best tech on TV: NCIS and Criminal Minds. I wish my computers ran that fast...
- Slingbox online...Those placeshifting fiends at Sling have launched a new service that looks to me like a big winner: Sling.com, where anyone can watch shows (similar to Hulu) and where Sling users can view their home TVs through a web interface. This second feature is especially interesting -- essentially it puts placeshifting "in the cloud" without any software needed. Previously, Sling users had to use Slingplayer software to watch their programming remotely.
- New PDA phone...Last Wednesday, I bought Verizon's new HTC Touch Pro Windows Mobile phone. After five days of use and tweaking, I've got to say I'm unimpressed and frustrated. Verizon has crippled the phone -- locked GPS to their fee-based service, removed Internet Connection Sharing, reduced RAM to half the levels of the AT&T and Sprint versions, etc. Very disappointing, because this has the potential to be a GREAT PDA phone, with a form factor smaller than the iPhone. My hope is that the mad modders at PPCGeeks and XDA-Developers will have this puppy unlocked and re-ROM'ed in the next couple of weeks. If not, I have a decision to make before the 30-day return kicks in: Do I return the phone and return to using my three-year-old PDA phone until a (hopefully) better choice comes out or live with it. Watch for more details on modding a "phone for all seasons" over the next few days.
- Cranking up the GTD machine again...After a mid-week holiday, I always feel a little confused about "what day it is," so I spent some time this afternoon doing a GTD review to get myself back in fighting trim for the week ahead. (Is it a "review" or a "preview?" Hard to tell sometimes...) Nothing focuses me better, calms me down more, or reinvigorates my thinking more effectively than doing this. Tomorrow morning when I sit down at my desk, I'll be able to get right into action: I've already figured out my next actions, loaded them onto my lists, and set myself up for getting stuff done.
- And, a thought on goals...CNN founder, entrepreneurial genius, and all-around convention-buster Ted Turner was a guest on this morning's Meet the Press, where he offered some typically unconventional wisdom drawn from his new book. He attributed his father's suicide to reaching his goals in life too easily: "He set his goals too low, and he suggested to me that I don't do that. Set goals high enough so they can't be achieved in your lifetime, then you'll always be motivated to keep working and keep engaged." I love it -- totally sets all the talk of keeping goals "doable" on its ear.
I'm refreshed and ready for the new week.