Blogger, GTDer, and digital fellow traveler Howard Robson has posted on his blog a very interesting response to my comments about the end of Howard makes a strong case for why magazine sharing through a site like Mygazines is detrimental to the magazine business even beyond the outright piracy issues, noting that the circulation of these journals can't be audited. That, in turn, can erode a magazine's advertising base -- and even drive it toward bankruptcy.
He also points out that magazines are different from both time-driven news stories and evergreen music files in that they have a timeliness, but don't last forever.
These are good points, and I'm very sympathetic to the arguments, being a copyright holder and magazine writer myself. There's no doubt in my mind that copyright violation is wrong, and I have seen firsthand how dwindling ad revenue can break a magazine.
But, as a digital cheerleader, I have to ask: Wouldn't it be smarter for publishers to change their model to meet the needs of the age than for them to protect a dying approach that can't be secured?
Rather than comparing magazines to newspapers or music -- although they obviously share some attributes of both -- I'd argue that a better comparison is with commercial television. Most magazines -- at least ad-supported ones -- operate much as commercial television does, by presenting a product that attracts and holds a reader's attention long enough to expose them to advertising images. But, unlike television, magazines charge both the advertiser and the consumer for the service. Ironically, rather than creating two income streams, this has left magazines doubly vulnerable -- as readers abandon ship for other information and entertainment options, advertisers are willing to pay less to reach smaller audiences.
My sense is that publishers ultimately will have to choose what business they're in: Are they creating content that readers value? If so, they need to find new ways to monetize the value -- and limiting access probably won't work. Or, are they selling advertising opportunities? If that's their business line, they face even bigger challenges, since the very platforms where they propose to place the ads are rapidly disappearing.
Tough business to be in, Howard...